Friday, May 28, 2010

long time no post liao.
ok i very lame.
project suck.tell us find what M1 mobile bi
25 bien must find.
all please help spread to tag my blog.
ok i not free liao.
so long.

i may not be the worst of the best but you gonna respect my honesty.

` slamdunk-ed

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Bck to posting.sry guys cos my cousin take back laptop cant keep blog alive so will try to post whenever i can.Trying to make new friends now :) As long as u are my friend de friend i will tag u and tell u to link me don get freak out hor.Tok about today.Fever in the morning so din go schl luckily take medicine ok liao.when to ah gong around 11am then when down the mama shop buy drink with cousin.then 1pm reach home.Fever came back again OFMG.then eat medicine again lor.Damn bored la.ok going to tag all of you liao bye.

You seem like type to love'em and leave'em

` slamdunk-ed

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Back to blogging.ok i shall post about what happen during schl on friday.Damn tiring la maths was ok but during history arh we go play the so called civilisation 3 game.starting very difficult la but once u get the hang of it,it can still be very easy :)mt...we keep laughting lor cos we keep dee siao the tchr cos she keep rubbing her belly button mah.later clara speak very softly me and jianhao cannot hear in the end kenna tio punish.Then the funniest thing is douglas.jiashen,connan and others forget to bring,do the si han then the tchr go confiscate their bag then we at the laught like siao.
                                                           After school...
after when home then bath,eat use comp blog and play after that when to play basketball.chiew teng at there keep making me and fong laugh like siao.then after that chiew when home me and fong go slack after slacking when home.Ok that's it for today.

People may not belive what you say but they will belive what you do.

` slamdunk-ed

Thursday, March 25, 2010

yo sup sup!posting again.must post mah if not blog die die saw my basketball team member go match or training la at schl jealous i din get to go(btw i am not schl team)am i not that good enough?maybe huh.peer tutoring 2day was tough,algebra u officially suck in my life.BUT SERIOUSLY WHO WOULD BE USING ALGEBRA IN LIFE HUH??pls list 5example.negative x negative =positive what about negative + negative=??? can somebody tell me?trying to get into express seems like a difficult job for keast i pass my level test2 22//40 to u it maybe like just pass need so happy meh?but for me its the pillar of support.i belive i can do better.

People may not belive what you say but they will belive what you do.

` slamdunk-ed

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

yoyo.bak to blogging.muz keep this blog alive or else bb le lor.i tinking of adding more song leh.haizz this few day sienz la shyt sia.just now our geo tchr come in everybody clap then she like shock tio.aiya most boring lesson is literature la hor mr alan kok.tok so soft like meowing like dat.k la tats for today bye.

` slamdunk-ed

Monday, March 22, 2010

Finally bak to on zhenghua was fine la.damn the dm la tell me go cut my fringe myself.our form tchr suck la hor give 1e2 n 1e4 remedial bo gib us still say we don wan,i wan she oso heck care.ok la tats it for 2day bb.

` slamdunk-ed

Monday, February 15, 2010

k a i post.nth to do la this few day currently at hm.anyay nth to do sia.oso nth to post least i make the effort to post right? byebye

` slamdunk-ed

Saturday, February 13, 2010

hi trying to keep this blog alive!!!JY but need com right.nvm 2day wake up 8++ then play psp awhile den bla bla bla.then on comp blog lor.april getting new fone >.<

` slamdunk-ed

Thursday, February 11, 2010

dont say i don post hor.ok la happy new year every1.basket my cca lor zhenghua suck sia.fringe not long tell me go and trim myself useless dm la hor.k la ltr i go tag ppl lor.

` slamdunk-ed

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Hi all.Just get the certificate back.Im in zhenghua!!!YAY!My dream schl but some others not that lucky la.Tmr still need get up at 8 den 8.20 walk to zhenghua sec,to report thr lor.Fck la horhs...Ltr i will mass tag ppl again :D

` slamdunk-ed

Saturday, December 19, 2009

lol bak to posting guys.haiiz siienz currently at chalet blogging.internet so slow~ok la i change song later.and anyway ltr i will go tag~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ everybody i know bah.remember tag bak.just ate steamboat tmr bbq.the aircon in the room so shiok.but outside is damn hot wan lor.the aircon keep dripping water(despite it's cold).IPhone 3GS so popular 3 of my cousin own liao.i ltr then playb with it.ltr oso go play DS and PSP and Wii.Wah i am in heaven.well i dont really blive in that anyways~

the end.

` slamdunk-ed

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

1. Real name: Eugene Poh Rui Sheng

2. Nickname: peugene,penguin,piu eh,eugeni poni.

3. Birthday: 31thMay1997'

4. Zodiac sign: Ox

5. Male or female: Male

6. Elementary: PAP

7. Middle School: Greenridge

8. University: NIL

9. Best friends: fongyan,johann and chiew teng.

10. Hair Colour: Black

11. Long or short hair: short

12. Loud or quiet: i am loud.

13. Sweats or jeans: jeans

14. Phone or camera: phone

15. Heath freak: no

16. Drink or smoke: Drink.IT ROCKS.but dont drink too much.

17. Do you have a crush on someone: Yes?

18. Eat or drink: eat

19. Piercings : NIL

20. Tattoos: NIL


21. Surgery: NIL

22. Piercing: NIL

23. Bestfriend: Chiew teng

24. Award: NIL

25. Vacation: genting

26. Sports: Soccer

27. Crush: FORGET.

28. Pet: House Gecko.

29. Big birthday: Nah.medium nia.


30. Eating: NIL

31. Drinking: nil

32. I'm about to: Finish this quiz.

33. Listening to: NIL.

34. Plans for today: Slack.

35. Waiting for: Some1 Msg.


36. Want kids: erm.idk

37. Want to get married: ya.

38. Whose your love: u guess first.

39. Careers in mind: a mega pet store owner.

Which is better,

40. Lips or eyes: eyes

41. Shorter of taller: TALLER

42. Romantic or spontaneous: romantic

43. Nice stomach or arms: stomach

44. Sensitive or loud: LOUD

45. Hook up or relationship: relationship

46. Trouble maker or hesitant: Trouble maker.

Have you ever,

47. Lost glasses or contacts: no.

48. Ran away from home: yes.

49. Sniff gum or smoke: No.

50. Killed someone: no

51. Broke someone's heart: yes

52. Been arrested: no.

53. Cried when someone died: yes.

You believe in,

54. Yourself: sometimes

55. Miracles: no.

56. Love at first sight: nah.

57. Heaven: nah.

58. Santa Claus: no

59. Male nipples: What?

60. Kiss on first date: nah.

Ans truthfully,

61. Is there one person you want to be right now: Yes.

62. Are you seriously happy in where you're in life now: i think so.
63. Do you believe in god: yes

64. Tag 15 peoples: do lor.

` slamdunk-ed

so cute lol.

lai.sry for nt posting com broke down.AGAIN.ok la firstly  i will change music ltr upload new photo follow by MASS TAGGING.if u wan me to tag u juz tell me but tagz me first coz my blog dieing k?

` slamdunk-ed

Monday, November 23, 2009

when to hav a hair cut today.haiiz so ugly if din put gel.:( next time cut myself LOL!!!haiz siienz idk what to post bout.just unlucky la today ugly haircut,shoe spoil,maple havent level.ok la end of post :)

` slamdunk-ed

Thursday, November 19, 2009

hiie.well last day of schl 2day.i tot tat it will be good no schl no hmwk no troubles.but killing time in schl chatting with friends and playing with them is the reason i am going to schl.i just hope i can when to a sec schl that i like :( i tot tat i wont miss the schl but when all the period ends,i feel like something has been taken away from my heart.each step i take,seems heavier and heavier.when i reach gate3,my whole heart seems empty and all the good memories flash back in my brian.i will miss the schl...greenridge pri schl...

` slamdunk-ed

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

yesterday when to celebrate ct birthday.first we go arcade played played played den later the girls come but we still playing.after that when to the playground donnoe played wat.later ct treat us KFC i almost finish the chicken but did not then shany n calista cannot finish the chicken(b4 i forget to mention edwina just go home)then gib mlp,then ct or donnoe say calista bit b4 de lols.go bak home after walking around.the clouds is filled with lighting i walked back home wif ct n mlp after they gone i run back into my house shelter.

` slamdunk-ed

Monday, November 16, 2009

hi!today when lot1 with fong,jinwen,lst,johann and somebody i don really wanna tok bout.the guy i don really wanna tok bout is sj.pangseh kia sia.we shopping for present then he go buy movies ticket den he say wat guild member wan watch wif him.

                                          WATCH FOR WHAT FXCK.

lol.after that jinwen n lst donnoe buy wat present.but me,fong and johann bought soccer ball for present to a birthday boii :D.

                                                    THE END.

` slamdunk-ed

Sunday, November 15, 2009

yoz all.final3ly com repair finish n lets tok bout yesterday.bored at home then later cousin called ask wan go orchard mah.i say k lor.after tat go his house played fun especiall the three pointer contest.

` slamdunk-ed

Sunday, October 25, 2009

ps all long time bo post.i will keep it simple k?2day 8am wen to the stupid canal play.den i saw snake rats and frogs even eggs.idk what eggs lai de. den we go play catching wif my cousins.den i go cousin hm to POST!finish to be continue...

` slamdunk-ed

Saturday, October 17, 2009

yo all put new song le hahas.muz listen n watch justin bieber one time in my song thr hor.if u never listen beat u.and if u got listen here is a quiz for u(part of the lyrics in the song one time):and i will be ur one guy,you be my number one love,_______.the first who complete this will have a 50cent milo after holiday.and answer it in my tagboard.

` slamdunk-ed

Friday, October 16, 2009

yo all posting today so siienz no game play wan...lst the lst dumbo u din put private i go read the post hope u don mind siienz 2day.go play bb wif ct ltr johann den we play wif 2 boys den johann trash dem PRO SIA!

` slamdunk-ed

Thursday, October 15, 2009

YO!change blogskin liao k nt gay le.lets tok bout yesterday in classs...i bring the heineken to schl den ltr i drink my mt tchr saw it say i drnk beer bcoz hong meng duped me.i pui er xin.his face make me feel like puking.den at reccess me n sj go buy water prepare to smuggle into basketball court,den saw mr tan we runaway. the end.

` slamdunk-ed

Sunday, October 4, 2009

hi all posting again arh wednesday PSLE scared mah?if u nt scared arh tink u crazy liao.i change song and blogskin liao.cum tagz more horz

` slamdunk-ed

Monday, September 28, 2009

hi all posting today .kq n sum of my normal galfwen quarrel.lolz man liddat nia slap lai slap qu fun arh ltr i slap ur lp out den u noe.jkjk i don hab enuf guts to do tat ok end of post

` slamdunk-ed

Friday, September 25, 2009

yo im BlAcKbEaN!!!!!
i help eugene post!
erm wad to post lei???
wish u all gd luck 4 PSLE!!!!
nth to say....
不管你的blog le...
tmr den help u change song........
my blog nth to post so come tag me hor!

post by:BlAcKbEaN

` slamdunk-ed

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

currently blogging at schl..noob com sia cant cant change song de.haiizok la i post short short ok?

` slamdunk-ed

Saturday, September 12, 2009

lol dead blog liao.muz tag more hor!!!!change song liao nice mah?k la short post. oh and calista in schl i tell u the gal

` slamdunk-ed

Monday, September 7, 2009

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHa.anyhow post la calista nt i donwan invite is i long time bo update liao n i don wan others to tok bout her again k??

` slamdunk-ed

Friday, September 4, 2009

BACK TO POSTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!oh i get too work out liao = = now posting at com lab tis stupid internet so lag lor _l_ _l_ _l_.u see work out again...

emo post liao i love tis kind of post so much :D:D


` slamdunk-ed

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

bak to posting larhs all hor com still not repair so keep use com at cousin hse.juz now tink i saw edwina,calista and shany but din call them la coz cousin beside me nia shout damn xia suay de.

emo post liao better don read bah.

tis few days been tinking much.everyting i have seems to be a illusion.friend,family,love,even PETS seems to be a burden to me.going to release my oscar liao.i will miss u de.donno who i like sia.wanna bang my head liao.nowadays i see FRIED FOOD oso muz control myself.coz on diet(dont laugh)haiz i on diet not bcoz of gals but health.NO HEALTH=WASTING MONEY,NO FRIENDS AND LOVE=EMO PPL=TINKING OF SUICIDE=A BURDEN TO PPL=NOBODY CARES=MENTAL GOT PROBLEM=WOODBRIDGE=FOREVER STAY IN WOODBRIDGE.

` slamdunk-ed

Sunday, August 23, 2009

ok i change my first song but the last 8 song still the same la!in case u din read the title of the song its call the one u love by glenn frey.if u like it i don mind u to copy :D k la k la short post next time i free i go my cousin hse post la k?

` slamdunk-ed

Friday, August 21, 2009

currently at cousin hse blogging juz now tio scolded by mother.haiiz play iceman yesterday got so many blister now leg pain like hell lor.calista yesterday cry wor maybe tio pissed off by me n dustin.hahas ok la end of post.

` slamdunk-ed

Thursday, August 13, 2009

wah make so many enemy liao blog dieing sia tag more calista i will not delete it ok.woo yeeling u sibei fierce wan killl me if u dare try it.siewtian don so haolian hor.endure u sibei long liao ok la short post bb

` slamdunk-ed

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

ths all for tagz continue tat my blog going to be dead soon bcoz com interal screen soil still havent repair intend to buy pc haizz while tagz more k?love u all LOL love u all in as a friend

` slamdunk-ed

Monday, July 27, 2009

eh ps all for not posting stupid com broke down...internal screen breake n cannt on it...haiizzz currently blogging at schl tis stupid slow noob com i hate it lor ok bb

` slamdunk-ed

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

wah shengjun really hot wif u liao n johnson hor u don qi ren tai shen or else i really shout liao XD since u are the wan hu started tis mah LOL shengjun i noe u like.......if u don wan me to say out better stfu or else i will POST N LET ALL MY FRIEND NOE happy??

` slamdunk-ed

Sunday, July 19, 2009

LOL i change song liao the john cena theme song listen till sianz liao.i wanted to change the song to cao ge super sunshine de but hor i found tis song n i forget wat song i wan put den put tis songz lorz.HAHA 2day shi damn siienz de.

` slamdunk-ed

Thursday, July 16, 2009

lol maybe the title abit too vurglar le barhs== but no chioce leh hu tell shengjun keep deesiao me.knn pekcheh liao he still keep kpkb barking like mad dog.suan le gib him another chance if he disobey again i make sure get bash by me :D anyway today MT fck off siol the spelling i donno hw do den correction forgot do -- sad btw any hmwk today?

` slamdunk-ed

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

What's your personality love style?

You desire a love that will last forever. You are quite serious about finding this type of love, and that's why you think carefully about the men that you meet before deciding whether you could really love them. You don't just develop a crush on someone overnight: you look at a person's personality and other aspects of their life before deciding to form an attachment. If a guy doesn't meet your expectations, you would rather be alone. Your love has to be perfect. Be careful though, you could be missing out on some worthy relationships because your standards are so high.

my comment:yeah i don develop a crush on sum1 overnight.

` slamdunk-ed

Your view on yourself:
Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener. They'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are not looking merely for a girl/boyfriend - you are looking for your life partner. Perhaps you should be more open-minded about who you spend time with. The person you are looking for might hide their charm under their exterior.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.

The seriousness of your love:
Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.

Your views on education
You may not like to study but you have many practical ideas. You listen to your own instincts and tend to follow your heart, so you will probably end up with an unusual job.

The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

How do you view success:
Success in your career is not the most important thing in life. You are content with what you have and think that being with someone you love is more than spending all of your precious time just working.

What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you.

Who is your true self:
You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.

oh well the seriousness of love hor the last sentence i tink don suit me lehs.well the first qus is right i am hiding my true self...i even hide from my family...

` slamdunk-ed

Monday, July 13, 2009

yo sup!2day din go schl bcoz of tis fcking low fever lors but tmr can go le la!i need to play basket ball or else i going to be fat liao T.Ttis few days din play i tink i lost some skill liao :0 tmr i wan go play wif johan,chiew ting n fong yan but donno they can make it or not la!

` slamdunk-ed

Saturday, July 11, 2009

i really don wan to tok about it anymore but u all
keep continue u noe its damn pekcheh?
u don force me to shout infront of u
or punch.k?continue like tis i will
let u noe i am no pushover
i don treat my friend like a piece of
junk.only some kind of fcker would
treat friend as junk example:kieran
hong meng no offence don like it?come
and bash me lor especially hong meng
friend wif vincent siol gangster linpei very

oh tis is important
erm maybe give me some time to cool down
i don wanna tok about it coz i hurts
but i tink i shuld kan kai dian
maybe finding a new crush?==
if u tinks tats so easy get over ur current
crush n tell me whether if it is easy

` slamdunk-ed

Friday, July 10, 2009

lol 2day damn funny vincent n eugene cum into our mt class den ltr tchr arrange their seat hong meng shout eugene wan sit wif meina larhs den everybody laugh den ltr tchr arrange eugene to sit behind meina.den den den tchr teaching half suddenly say meina u not paying attention at tat time i was like wtf?oni aboy sit behind nia mahs nth else right???now i finally understand the power of shyness :D

` slamdunk-ed

Thursday, July 9, 2009

sup yo!change blogskin n i gonna let both blog alive :D oh well anyways mt class i damn pekcheh tchr nvr say need do hmwk den me,stephanie,kaifen n ong shi yee or hu la nvr do i the oni boy T.T ps lor.btw i love my blogskin so much one of my fav anime SHAMAN KING weewee!

` slamdunk-ed

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

yoz all so siienz 2day SA den rank up earn till 10k+point liao tinking of quitting audi coz long time bo touch le sad :(

well anyway my private blog back to life le so if i got invite u better go n tag or else i bash u den u noe hor!jk la :D

oh well go utube watch sudden attack glitch liao bb

` slamdunk-ed

Saturday, July 4, 2009

hiz...btw i very fed up wif sum ppl listed here n they are....

6)ting seng
8)er...forget liao ==

u keep saying wat L-R-T or wat so ever n keep saying i got laopo.once again tis is a warning letter 1more time plz don blame me for being cruel :O (johnson sure bo dai ji de coz he got DM as dang jian pai)

` slamdunk-ed

Friday, July 3, 2009

hi all muz tag wors sore throat ok le now begging my mum to let me play basket wif fwens T.T she say wan call my fwen ask dem why they din study de O.O die le.


` slamdunk-ed

Sunday, June 28, 2009

yo allz!yesterday bbq de food damn yummy!!!but hor the fcking sore throat keep interupting me :( well anyway today woke up 1+++pm go to fajar eat breakfast wait a min did i say breakfast?oh well might as well be lunch.very exicted bout tmr coz got schl le but H1N1 is wat i am worrying about the most u may say i am kiasi but hu wans to be infected wif tis disease??

` slamdunk-ed

Friday, June 26, 2009

60post!well feeling bad now sore throat n tis fucking fever makes me feel like dying.O.o i hope i don die so fast.u noe sometimes some of u juz give me nothing but full of lies,somtimes some of u really make me angry.if i i could bear myself to bash u i would...but i cant bear to bash u all...

` slamdunk-ed

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

LOL hi back to posting :D well juz get hair cut a few hrs ago the fringe were cut!!!ARH NO!luckily cut a little bit nia :) althought tis hairstyle sux but i tink it is quite ok lor.ok end of post :D

` slamdunk-ed

Monday, June 22, 2009

ok i am going to reply all the one in my tagbox.i noe i reply le but in cbox cannot write so long.

yeeling>u expect me to say i woo u?u no stead i oso scared cannot anyhow say coz later sumbody come hit me i sue u :X

jiashen>donnid damn me la!love/like yeeling jiu say lor no use scolding me scolding so much scold a ur cbox.:)

calista>btw y u say i wooing yeeling arhs?she so like mu lao hu:X (no offence)

` slamdunk-ed

Friday, June 19, 2009

hi all new blogskin nice rite?eh...i nt going to be so emo le:)ok lets us post together...wait a min did i juz say lets us post together?lol should be i post.nvm hmm nth to post 2day leh juz new blogskin lor n remember to tag me:)

` slamdunk-ed

Thursday, June 18, 2009

hi all back to posting!ok i shall post bout 16-6-09 de tings kay?when to watch ghost of the girlfriend past wif was fucking funny my stomach almost burst!u noe 1 of the funny part is like tis,the dodge n his uncle(ghost) they tok den it started to rain den dodge dunno say wat the uncle say tis is the tears tat the woman shed for u.den it started to rain tissue den dodge ask y isit raining tissue den the uncle say tis is the tissue tat those woman use to wipe their tears.then suddenly stop den dogde hear a sound it is like sumting falling from sky den he ask his uncle wat is the sound den his uncle reply:this are the condom u use when u hav sex wif those woman.i was like laughting like siao lor!

` slamdunk-ed

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

hi all sry fer not posting:)coz tis few day tired n siienz 2day go ZOO it was like super duper fucking FUN!alright shall skip tis part coz tok so long oso will siienz de!alright forget her le so meina dunnid spam my cbox till so jl ok?

` slamdunk-ed

Monday, June 15, 2009

haiiz siienz lor 2day!!!when to play badminton wif cousin den play wif 2 malays coulor catching n badminton lor.I SUX IN BADMINTON YA NOE!i lost until ps lor.k short post hahaha u al wan play basketball or any sports call me to join lehs plz!:)

` slamdunk-ed

Saturday, June 13, 2009

hi all.just now msn wif 2 very kp de person.1girl 1boy.fucking kaopei their name is__and___ actually cannot say de say le many ppl tio offended:x ok just posting bout tis 2 fucking people.

` slamdunk-ed

nvm i am going to create quiz le.

List 15ppl u can tink of.

9)chiew ting
13)xuan ai

1)Will 12 and 13 stead?{stephanie and xuan ai}

2)what will be your reaction if 1 and 3 stead?{johnson and yeeling}
nth much to say they stead their dai zi.

3)Will 10 and 11 fight over a boy?{ruiyan and genevieve}

4)If 14 stead with 15 wat will u do?{vivian and darryl}
congratz lor but do they noe each other???

5)What will be ur reaction if 2 and 9 stead?{chiew ting and siewtian}
:0I will scream den congratz them.

6)what will you do if 5 punch 7?{limin and juncao}
not surprise.juncao is limin enemy marhs.

7)what if 4 and you never met?{meina}
you tink i care??

8)what is your reaction if 6 cry for 8?{dexuan and daniel}
:0 dexuan cry for daniel?u got to be kidding.

9)in this 15list of people who do u find most pretty/handsome?
erm shuo le will offend ppl de:X

10)who do u wan to stead in this list of 15ppl?
say oso will offend ppl-.-

tag 15ppl to do


want to do?do lors.:D

` slamdunk-ed

Friday, June 12, 2009

BREAK RECORD 50POST FOR MY BLOG!!!o well nth great to celebrate=.=anyway i change url coz i tink tis url suit me.ok ltr perhaps going to play BB again.anyway sum ppl tag me to do quiz lehs i very sian sia no quiz to do perhaps creating 1 LOL.

` slamdunk-ed

Thursday, June 11, 2009

hi all back to posting!i will try nt to be tat emo.anyway 2day i was like damn angry coz KOH QIN go call {her} say i wan confess to {her} faster cum tat time i was like...speechless:(but hor i bet wif her la i say i {she} cum down i will confess i give koh qin 1mins if she din cum down sua.i was jk but she really called her my feelings at tat time is damn PS,ANGRY,SCARED,HAPPY AND CONFUSED.i hate tis kind of feeling dudeD: end of post.

` slamdunk-ed

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I LOVE HER I MISS HER AND I WILL TRY TO FORGET HER! oh well meina dunnid say so many time larhs=.=if lagging or purpose i wont blame u coz idc bout wat ppl say n u noe the person i like mehs??if noe dun sabo me n spread.btw zohan wtf are u toking bout eh?suan le nth to post bb.

` slamdunk-ed

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

hi sry for nt posting.nth to write larh nth special in tis few days.juz now just finish reading____blog post.k lors plz play SA i really siienz sia no ppl i noe in SA oni fong yang i noe but he cannot on9 in midnight.ok end of post.

` slamdunk-ed

Saturday, June 6, 2009

k lar k lar short post.dl SA le so fun u noe just now play wif fongyang aka blackbeanrox.i almost owned him but din owned him lors siienz but in the end me n my team win coz we kill 50times they kill48times.ok end here i wan to dl maple le bb.

` slamdunk-ed

Thursday, June 4, 2009

sry for not posting tis few days but hor tis few day damn busy!!!i was like so pek cheh lor 2day coz din go school.WHY I PEK CHEH?COZ OF ____ ____ ____ LARHS.suan le lets tok bout 2day.i go consult a doctor i mean i company my mother and didi to consult a brother.then now he still LAO SAI!!!now they wan bring him back to clinic to see if serious mah,serious go KK hospital.i hate tat freak place:@ :( :) D: :D MIX FEELING right NOW.

` slamdunk-ed

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

back to posting.ysterday birthday party was fun,sad,happy and ANGRY.why i angry?coz teo yeeling,limsiewtian and sum other girls throw water ballon at me!!!u got it?if u gt cum i bet u muz hab been spill by dem.i hate limsiewtian.LOL anway lets tok bout today.2day goto shimin bdae party but den 8pm go tuition cum back homne i tot she habent cut cake i call n ask but she cut le.sob i tot i can play more:( END OF POST

` slamdunk-ed

Sunday, May 31, 2009

happy birthday to me LOL!!wish me happy birthday barhs.tmr i celebrating my birthday bcoz today nt free.the present that i prefer:basketball,fish tank equipment and sumting i always like to hav for tis pass 4 yrs.

` slamdunk-ed

Thursday, May 28, 2009

tinking of setting up a private blog to let only sum of my trusted fwen to read...dunnoe if i want to create mahs...if i create many secret will be say n my fwen will see it or maybe i wont put
private just dun let many ppl noe my secret blog?

i like u but i dunnoe if u like me...i which to stop tis...
if i can stop i wont be so tinking of u...maybe...
if i can turn back the time i wuld rather nt know u
if i still hav to know u i will confess
if we are not fated even if i asked u will will say no
if i ask u at least i will feel better even if u say no

` slamdunk-ed

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

hi.nth to write 2day just rite hw i feel 2day just nw play BB den go home take a bath den den den den den den...idk...but really siienz feeling so sad rite now T_T haiiz.u all can see my blog squall n riona pic mah?i cannot see sia.canot see tell me i change blogskin-.- end of post

` slamdunk-ed

Monday, May 25, 2009

WOO shiok man tis year bp muz be sad n happy n exicted!why i sad ar?O.o i habent tell u meh?i oni tell sum of my fwen.wat?u oso wn to know?ask my fwen lor!they wont tell u anyway.will u tell dem?if u betray me bp if i invite u,u die le.i use water boom to hit u!bring extra clothes if u really got cum k?

` slamdunk-ed

Sunday, May 24, 2009

yoyo!wont post negative post for tis few days.birthday party is nearer n nearer u all muz remember to gib me present hors or else linpei kill u!jkjk dun nid so serious anyway got game reconmmend mah i hab nth to do other den fbing n blogging.T_T sia ok la finish post le BB

` slamdunk-ed

Saturday, May 23, 2009

i cant let myself drift apart from my friends n family but can i bear myself to drift apart from her?been tinking about all tis days mayb i am really a useless human or just sum fucker on earth using the earth resources?u may nt understand hw i feel n my studies are really falling down i muz admit...i muz nt let tings i cherish drift apart from me...

` slamdunk-ed

Friday, May 22, 2009

nobody understand me 2day tio suan again.u tink i like to be like tis forever?i hav my own dream oso!u all tink u all very gd den y last time din do well for it?tell me la!why?i very tired,crush n family tink everyting around me is drifting further away.perhaps one day i will be alone wif no one to care bout me.i just dun wan to let others to control my life...i want to lead the way i like...i am nt a fcking loser say me nt gd den u very gd?to everyone hu hurt me b4 u all tink u all perfect?i really tired le,tired of veryting around me especially is giving me lots of stress bcoz of tis fcking jibai studies my family n i are drifting apart.well you all wont understand.even after wat i say.

` slamdunk-ed

kp la.......seriously wat ting i did wrong?din i try to achive for my dreams already?y cant them gib me freedom n y everybody just blame me?am i tat imperfect?guess tis blogskin really descript me...haiiz...u tink i din try?i always try to achive anyting i wan but it is point to achive it anymore i am not longer myself anymore guess i hab to be perfect in other ppl eyes but not my heart...shuld u tink wat u did is fine to me continue...

` slamdunk-ed

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

diaos!2day play BB again u noe very tired 2day sweat more den yesterday lors!but hor 2dy oso quite fun bcoz mo li ping(sry if i spell wrong)n zohan play match wif older de secondary de boys.later chiewting oso come wif his brother...den they play wif those older boys again...legs so suan nth to post le hahas!

` slamdunk-ed

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

lol playing BB 2day...leg so suan...just finish bathing den i blogging le den hor danston dun anyhw say me hors!i whr got LOVE LOVE LOVE?got evidence mah?sry if u tink i toking in a rude manner but tis tis true read the title FIRST(no offence).ok as for now JOHNSON YEOH dun call me n chat wif her larhs!beg u coz hor...u noe wat i mean LOL...

` slamdunk-ed

Monday, May 18, 2009

LOL!i edit 1 pic tat is nt final fantasy de but inuyasha...does it make any diffrence?well anyway show u tis pic is shippo in inuyasha but but isnt he cute?lol anyway if u wan to edit better go n search for sumting call paint in ur software is the pic...

` slamdunk-ed

Sunday, May 17, 2009

i will change myself.watever i try is useless...i tink it is better to be myself...haiiz 2day damn bored lors!my dad n mum use com hardly got anytime for me to use 2day haiiz.luckily 2moro go to schl le!or else i sure DIE...kaopei sia 1month holiday coming le den 1month bored day lor.u noe i celebrate my birthday seh!i will invite sum of my friends(if i din invite ps).den den den hmmm did i edit any pic?wait i search......*searching*oh i found 1!ok i tink tat tis pic is better lol ps if all is FF8 de ppl tmr will edit other k?plz gib comment on tis pic...plzz...

` slamdunk-ed

Saturday, May 16, 2009

it is difficult to for me to forget u but...wat if i can...i noe u dun like me so thr is nth gd to remember u only worsen myself n making me to becum so negative.short pain is better den long pain.maybe u noe my feeling or maybe nt.if u noe who u are dunnid to cum n ask me bout it after i post tis is ok i noe i cant forget u in few weeks maybe it take out for few months?i noe it...thr is nth gd to remember...

` slamdunk-ed

second pic i create it is call forgive...i was so bored tat my creative was nt tat if tis pic need any things to change just say i will try to make amends for it...real larhs eve i nt really great in tis...

` slamdunk-ed

siienz la!nth to play dota i forget i delete le lol nth to do jiu post lor.hmmm wat to post lei?actually i tink nth to post la!just posting for fun larhs ltr see got fun tings mah got i den post lor hahas n wanted to show u all i a pic i design lol here is it i noe very ulgy but first time mahs!

` slamdunk-ed

Friday, May 15, 2009

johnson u die le monday i gonna sabo u...i promise no joke...johnson i just send warning post sia den u lei say my secret u go to hell la!u tall n big de advantage is strenght no brain lol no offence tot.......i tell u tis second warning post hor zai lai dee sia0 wo ni jiu zhi dao.......anyway monday u noe everybody will ask u a qus le lol i fed up le even the coldest water in the world can cool me down if u put me in artic i am afriad the aritc will melt...u sux...

` slamdunk-ed

stupid johnson u gth la!

` slamdunk-ed

k la k la!post jiu shi le.......chou johnson u wan sabo me?come la i scared ar?u better not hors or else ur secret oso will come out hahas dun blive?try it.i am a man wat i say is real dare to say out i will oso say lor.anyway 2day slight fever nvr go to schl but but but i use com hahas!i very funnyy rite fever still can use com.oh well 2day still got wat fcking PSLE programe again.sibei siienz hope can quit sia T_T k lars post quite long le hor?just last sentence for johnson...better dun say out or else i say ur dl name hor... her name is_____lor...

` slamdunk-ed

Thursday, May 14, 2009

JOHNSON dont blame me for nt giving u face anyway fang xin larhs tis is just warning hahas!u keep qi ren ta shen den i say ur secret out hor i noe oni a few ppl noe tis but hor keep dee sia0 me i say out!u may tink i break a vow but not i say will nt post out name nia nvr say wont post warning letters...hpe u understand dun beat me hors...

` slamdunk-ed

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

all ps hor!bcoz yesterday i sibei tired tats y mther day pic nvr post.well 2day class is in a chaotic situation pang nvr come den they make a nusaince for more den 25mins after tat mrpang come tell us go home.o.o den the worse tings MY BAG WAS SPOIL!haiiz nvm later go n repair see can mah!i wish cannot coz ma say if cannot buy new want hahas!ok bb i chiong post de!

` slamdunk-ed

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

diao!2day de maths exam nt tat difficult larhs just some difficult qus n hor the problem sumdamn tricky!trick me here n there but luckily sum of dem i succes to do seh!the most fun maths exam in my last few yrs!o.o last time i say i going to post the pic of me n my mum rite?ltr larhs coz now bo time...k...

` slamdunk-ed

Sunday, May 10, 2009

well well well 2day mt day seh.well i got some pic on my phone but too lazy to post le larhs!i gib my mother cake and bag wors!the bag+cake cost me a boom...well it is worth it...ok about to end my post le just take carez all my friends

` slamdunk-ed

Saturday, May 9, 2009

wah i very peifu johnson seh take my hats off him lols.coz of sumting.walao 2day oso nvr ting to post la!i...erm...hmmm wat to say lei.ok add me in msn add me plz or never jk la.

` slamdunk-ed

Friday, May 8, 2009

yo 2nd post for 2day!just now after the program go eat kfc wif johnson de buy green tea at shop n save straight away go home lor.well go home le take cold bath a little while ltr i use comp lor posting now lah!ok end of the 2nd post

` slamdunk-ed

2day siienz lor!!!bell ring shuld be going home right?i supplementary seh den ltr 6.30 got wat stupid program so difficult lols.but i tink i am going to make it!maybe?hahahaha lame post right?

` slamdunk-ed

Thursday, May 7, 2009

siienz sia 2day.go jogging saw siew mai,jin qi n cheryl lols.den jog jog jog at the fitness corner thr rest got 1 uncle sia0 de shout vurglaraties n sum malays shouted shut up.really got nth 2 say la 2day just play bb at PE lor.i overweight sia lols.muz take out tis extra 7kg jy to myself

` slamdunk-ed

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

haiiz.2day got no exam oni for higher mt lucky i not higher mt or else i die die.den 2day nth special la just not tat happy lor.u noe sumtime i tink i sux i dunnoe y maybe it is just my mind?
its ok.2day alif bet wif natasyah money den den den alif lost 2sgd.LOLS-.-

this is me myself.nobody can control me.i control myself.i choose the path i want.

` slamdunk-ed

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

haiiz very bad sia 2day lets see.i can oni remember 1bad things me n johnson not friend le.lols.he hit my hand seh i am the one hu say sry to him 1st den he say dun wan to take the sry den hit me lols.forget it since he is the 1 who dun wan to accpect it.haiiz 2day oral dam nervous i dun even noe hw to say pasa malam in chinese this chinese oral fail le la!

` slamdunk-ed

Monday, May 4, 2009

hi today really siienz whole day exam compo n LC u say siienz or not lei?the LC dam slow few qus take 30min?!the teacher oso really stupid la 40 min 50min can finish the english LC he put 1hr.zzz anyway hope i can pass all exam.

` slamdunk-ed

Sunday, May 3, 2009

cute right?my dream dog is this kind of dog alaskan malamute!u like dogs?i bet u do!coz dogs are cute n obedient but u muz train dem b4 they even hab tis kind of bhavior!2moro exam compo bah ii tink i havent let teacher chop the dictonaryT_T.

` slamdunk-ed

hi?haiiz anyway just to post to keep blog alive.xilaosky can u kindly tell me who u r?stop acting like no1 noe u.i really hab nth to post le la!anyway 2day dam boring do intresting tings happen?tink so hmmm later see if i have any pic to!

` slamdunk-ed

Saturday, May 2, 2009

posting this pic again i post tis pic b4 on me previous old blog but delete le so post again my cousin dog charcoal!my eyes look werid bcoz of the stupid reflection but manage to coax charcoal to take a pic wif me!

o.o me in a restraunt eating salad prawn or siew mai?forget liao but i remember the tatse!LOLS!
me n my gan ma at the restraunt take pic 2gether haiiz 1yrs ago le.i tat time nt tat tall as her now about a few cm more!jyjy to myself!

haiiz finishing post pic le.when oral anyway.forget let tchr chop my chinese diconatry lols.use my brain juice for chinese compo!jy le yay!

` slamdunk-ed

hi!sibei bored sia.nth to do but but but wat ar?forget wat to say liao.2day when to bangkit den ltr i drink soyabean den eat laksa den go to aquarium see very boring la!CHIEW TING ASK me to play basketball den i say cannot bcoz of sum private reason.haiiz hope next time can go bah!end of posting

` slamdunk-ed

Friday, May 1, 2009





just posting some pic of me n some ppl tat are close to me.

` slamdunk-ed

woohoo!30more days 2 my birthday so happy!perhaps wont invite friends family oni coz some private reason.well anyway u muz remember to gib me present oso!!!HAIIZ very broing blogging is the only option but ltr mum scold again.muz quickly blog quickly close lor.end of posting

` slamdunk-ed

Thursday, April 30, 2009

wanna adopt a dog but cant even feed myself le still tinking of adding another member into our home?fat hope.well a dog is like ur wife but sadly mostly survive oni for 10+ yrs.hmm i like u!u dun like me!u like him?hw i noe?haiiz but yao zhi zhuo duo qing le!

` slamdunk-ed

2moro labour day sure is another addition bored day.2day bu zhi bu jue de jiu go home le nt like other days perhaps i am serious at my work?lols!ok lets see shen jun qurrael wif yunling sihui n jing qi everytime de xuan sumtime oso join in.ok the conversation start now.shen jun:u go gao ur lao ma la!den jinqi reply:watever.den ltr they quarrel quarrel until me n johnson bei ta han go scold dem i scld dem jun diam la dun kp here n thr la!den ltr shen jun say jing qi!jing qi say shen jun ltr johnson bei cei shout:shen jun u dont play la!den shen jun diam he scared of johnson oni seh.nt scared of me......haiizz sibei bored tmr hope can go play basketball but go play basketball always let my mum kp wan haizz.nvm la in the end she still let me go.dots end of posting.

` slamdunk-ed

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

wahkao 2day damn unlucky lor!u noe what happen?ok first of all go to schl then saw ppl in green shirt or?nvm la idc.the green shirt 1 is swine flu infected 1 lols(is prefect l)den scold me again zzz.back to classroom catch a spider show SIHUI den she scream ltr on the way to eco garden me show SIHUI the spider she scream again!this time almost tio scolded.den go back class MT finish.ltr fight wif johnson baby.then the puddle of water there i din look at it ltr BOOM!i fall down den johnson say sorry la sorry la den ltr u shuld noe wat happen......

` slamdunk-ed

Monday, April 27, 2009

yoyo change blogskin again finally got song n tagbox but forget hw to put links liao...zzz...haiiz aniway 2day fcking boring haiiz early in the morning get scolded by prefect.limsiewtian say blablablabla move to the right den i reply right ar?ok i move to the right*move to left*den she scold scold scold den dora explorer come write my name DEN I COVER NAME TAG!!!den dunnoe which bastard go say my name to her.den recces quarrel again diaos.den den den go hmwk le bah i tink no more lor end of posting haiiz.

` slamdunk-ed


` slamdunk-ed

Sunday, April 26, 2009

hi tis blog i tink may take up weeks to construct finish wor.but afterall hor i still nid to figure out hw to put tag box n music coz now nt layout is template liao still figuring zzz aniway wish u all gd luck hab a gd weekends.

` slamdunk-ed

Saturday, April 25, 2009

hii all my friends i got new blog le la tagg me now or never lols jkjk.first post man!ok la 2moro den post bb.

` slamdunk-ed



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layout by *saRah. copyrighted. :)


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